Schedule randomly recurring, spontaneous events.

For the things in life that are not bound to strict calendar events.

Once a week from 10am-4pm

Send an appreciation messages to team members

Twice a month

Reach out to an old friend

3 times a year

Pay for a stranger's coffee

Once a month on weekends

Call grandma and catch up

Twice a year

Check in on elderly neighbors

Once a day in the afternoon

Do 20 push-ups

Twice a month after 6pm

Surprise date night

Once a month after 5pm

Explore a new bike trail

Once a week from 10am-4pm

Send an appreciation messages to team members

Twice a month

Reach out to an old friend

3 times a year

Pay for a stranger's coffee

Once a month on weekends

Call grandma and catch up

Twice a year

Check in on elderly neighbors

Once a day in the afternoon

Do 20 push-ups

Twice a month after 6pm

Surprise date night

Once a month after 5pm

Explore a new bike trail

Once a month on weekends

Volunteer at a local shelter

Once a month

Take an online course

Once a week after 7pm

Try a new Italian recipe

Twice a year on weekends

Donate to my local food bank

Every other month

Pay mom a surprise visit

Twice a month on a weeknight

Visit the library and pick out a new book

Twice a day from 9am-5pm

Take a deep breath and stretch

Twice a week after 6pm

Practice a coding question

Once a month on weekends

Volunteer at a local shelter

Once a month

Take an online course

Once a week after 7pm

Try a new Italian recipe

Twice a year on weekends

Donate to my local food bank

Every other month

Pay mom a surprise visit

Twice a month on a weeknight

Visit the library and pick out a new book

Twice a day from 9am-5pm

Take a deep breath and stretch

Twice a week after 6pm

Practice a coding question


In a world governed by routines and schedules, Untimely introduces an element of surprise into your life. You'll never know what's coming next – and that's the beauty of it.

Random reminders

Set up reminders that pop up at unexpected times, keeping your day full of surprises.

Customizable frequency

Tailor how often you want to be surprised, daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly, to your needs.

Diverse notification channels

Choose how you want to be notified: through email, SMS, Slack, Zapier, and more.

Become part of a growing community of spontaneity lovers who embrace randomness, and are breaking free from routine.

See why others love Untimely

@untimely_app reminded me to write down what I'm grateful for today. It's incredible how much positivity this simple act brings into my life.

George Beatty

George Beatty


Received a reminder from @untimely_app to call a friend I hadn't spoken to in months. It made both our days!

Priscilla Hermiston

Priscilla Hermiston


I've been using @untimely_app for a month, and it's honestly changed how I view my daily tasks. Random reminders to take a moment for myself? Yes, please!

Grace Gusikowski

Grace Gusikowski


Never thought I'd look forward to surprises this much! @untimely_app's random event scheduling has added so much fun to my daily grind. It's the little things, truly.

Sheldon Yost

Sheldon Yost


A random nudge to water my plants 🌱 from @untimely_app, and now my home office feels like a thriving jungle.

Irma Mills

Irma Mills


Mid-study session, @untimely_app suggested a quick walk. Returned to my books with clearer thoughts and nailed my exam prep. This app is a student's best friend.

Isabel Connelly

Isabel Connelly
